LIU Bo1,2
1. Department of Business Management, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521, China;
2. Center for Cultural Industry and Cultural Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
Abstract:Fashion and brand consumption is a major area of research in Geography. The pursuit of materialism and environment preservation is a paradox in the field of fashion consumption. On one hand, in order to promote sales, international fast fashion brands try their best to stimulate material consumption at the expense of environment. On the other hand, they claim to commit to environment protection and have adopted proactive measures in the management of supply chains. In the meantime, consumers attempt to achieve a balance between material pursuit and environmental awareness. Actually, materialism conflicts environmental awareness in fast fashion consumption. Questionnaire and structural equation model have been used in this paper to explore the influence of consumers' materialism and environmental awareness on identity of fast fashion brands and consumption behavioral intention in order to promote understanding of consumption logic of international fast fashion brands in China. The questionnaires were officially issued through a network platform called SOJUMP. A total of 405 questionnaires were collected from June 10 to 24, 2016. 358 copies are valid and recovery efficiency is 88.40%. Then SPSS 19.0 was utilized to test data reliability and validity and the results are statistically good. Further, Structural Equation Model analysis was conducted by Lisrel 8.72 and the fitting degree is good. After analyzing the data analysis results, three main conclusions were drawn as follows. First, materialism is the most important factor in the international fast fashion brand identity and the logic of consumption. Second, The stronger the consumer's environmental awareness, the higher the brand identity and consumer behavioral intention. Third, the degree of brand identity has no significant mediating effect on environmental awareness and brand consumption behavioral intention.
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